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Lewie, like everything you write, this is very well done. I have libertarian leanings; most politicians are money and power driven. It’s a survival instinct that should be but isn’t moderated by the cerebral cortex, which ostensibly developed as it became evident to the species that a society was a better mechanism for survival than going it alone. That having been said, i “prefer” political insiders who at least know how that system works to outsiders who naively think they can effect change by fiat. In my opinion, our current form of government produces substandard results skewed to the few and not the many. Short of returning to the Queen as the prodigal colony, I see two things that can help: one is two-term limits for legislators just as exists for the president. My hope is this may allow new ideas a chance. Secondly, there needs to be a fresh approach to redistricting. There are probably bona fide reasons for it but currently it is being used to strengthen status quo and restrict representation of an (underserved) electorate. And just to violate my comment about two things, there should probably be an examination of limits on the amount of time a person can serve on the Supreme Court. Also, the filibuster should be gotten rid of. It’s an insult to intelligence and unfair at best to the people (us) it is supposed to serve. Admittedly I have no “hows” to these “whats” but I offer them for consideration. I have no immediate solution to the most recent Supreme Court ruling but if enough people vote in the mid terms, we may be able to act on some of what I have noted and hopefully that would be to our benefit. Of course there is always the Queen.

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